Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, Monday, It's Here...

We have managed to keep our sunshine in the Pacific Northwest, but they are telling us it is ending today. Not too bad considering they originally told us the "Pineapple Express" headed our way last Friday. I have never seen a "Pineapple Express" type rain in person, but I have seen the pictures. I am familiar with torrential, pounding El Nino rain that dumps 2 inches in an hour, so I am bracing myself!

Here are a couple pics from our weekend.

It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day spent at Bauman Farms with family. I love my family!
On the way home I was taking pictures of the unusual cloud formations in the sky. All of a sudden, I watched a stream of light burst out from behind the clouds and shoot up with tremendous power into this amazing array! It was a most incredible experience that touched my soul!

Time to bring out the boots and set the sandals aside!

Have a great Monday!

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