Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 Minute Chocolate Birthday Cake

My dear hubby had three days of celebrating his birthday this year. We celebrated with his family on Saturday and with our family on Sunday. After my dear hubby arrived home from work, I realized that my birthday plans for the evening were lacking anything fun! If I had thought ahead I could have put a bow on my head, but I didn't think of that in time. I decided it just wouldn't be a birthday without a little cake. 

What did we ever live without computers? I quickly found an easy recipe, I made a couple changes and mixed it up while he was upstairs changing his clothes. I hid it in the cupboard before he came down and he had no idea he would soon be having chocolate birthday cake. I even had time to unwrap a small Reese's peanut butter cup leftover from Halloween, and push it into the center of the cake. The kitchen smelled like chocolate to me, but he didn't seem to notice. 

We had a bowl of soup for dinner and after I cleared the table, I tried to sneak the mug out of the cupboard and into the microwave. Of course the surprise ended there. When the mug hit the plate in the microwave, there was a large clank! The number beeped on the keypad as I pushed "2 minutes" and "Start!" The light came on so he could see what was going on in there from the table. It was fun to watch the cake emerging from the mug. I had fun and he was impressed!

As you can see from the picture, it grew out of the mug as it baked. We sliced off the cake that rose above the mug, cut that in half and just like that, we had a birthday party! We realized later that the whole thing came right out of the mug for easy slicing. We even have several slices of leftover cake. It was very chocolatey, dense, moist and good! Of course the peanut butter cup sank right to the bottom, but I was impressed with how easy it was and how good it tasted. The best part; we don't have a big old chocolate birthday cake sitting on the counter, waiting to be eaten over the next few days! That's a very good thing!


5 Minute Chocolate Cake


Microwave, Chocolate, Cake,


        See 5 Minute Chocolate Cake on Key Ingredient.



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