Friday, May 7, 2010

Peanut Butter Granola

Today I have a recipe to share. I found myself wanting something with peanut butter, so I settled on peanut butter granola. Doesn't that sound good? A little yogurt with a little granola, sounds like dessert to me!

I found several recipes but chose this one because it had the fewest ingredients and the least steps. Several recipes I found called for toasting the oats first, which takes more time that I didn't have. The steps were easy and I had it in the oven in about 10 minutes. To be completely honest, it didn't fill the house with warm mouthwatering smells, so I was hoping that it was going to have good flavor.

I had to wait until it cooled to try it, but I really liked the fact that there were little clusters of oats. I was hoping that they would be crunchy after cooling. I tried it and it has good flavor and it is really crunchy! I was hoping for more of a peanut flavor but I'm sure that if I had used the peanuts like the original recipe called for, it would have enhanced the peanut flavor. I substituted sunflower seeds and almond slivers for peanuts...some of the family don't eat peanuts, and the sunflower seeds are the dominant flavor. It is still very good and I will definitely make this again.

Peanut Butter Granola

A nice crunchy granola.

See Peanut Butter Granola on Key Ingredient.


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