Friday, November 7, 2014

Family Fun

We headed north last week to spend time with our family so I am running behind on my posts. Now I am trying to catch up with my life. I do have several recipes to share, but today I have pictures! Sorry if you are bored! They are my loves!

Ivan on the left was a ninja. Wiley was blimp boy. Wiley wore his costume all afternoon at school. It had a battery operated fan that whirred away, keeping it inflated! He couldn't see his feet when he walked down the stairs of most every house in the dark while trick or treating, so kudos to Wiley to navigating so well with his added girth!

Our favorite grandsons

The boys took a pirate, a whitch and a beautiful knight trick or treating

A few pics from the last soccer game of the season

Our soccer boy

Ivan made 5 goals! He won the coach's award for his unselfish play and for being the team leader in assists for the past season! Go Ivan!
The boys didn't seem to notice the pond of mud in the middle of the field!

Thursday, November 6, 2014