Wednesday, January 4, 2012

One Little Word for 2012

Well, here we are and it is January 4, 2012. Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? How is that going? Not so good? I found an idea that I would like to share; one little word.
The concept is basically this – instead of making a bunch of New Years Resolutions that depress you and make you feel inadequate, you choose a word.  A word to live your life by for a year.

It could be something that is missing in your life that you want back, like JOY, FRIENDSHIP, WISDOM or PEACE. It could be something you want to do more of, like LISTEN, WORK, LEARN, FOCUS, CREATE or FORGIVE. Listen to what your heart wants and your word will probably choose you!

If you aren't sure what to do with your word after you have it, just live with it every day. Bring it into your life. Be prepared to follow it where ever it leads you. There are so many possibilities.

My word is RENEW. 

What's your word? 

The original idea came from Ali Edwards and you can click her link and read the whole story if you like.