Friday, November 25, 2011

39 Years! Are we really that old?

Where the time has gone

I will never know

I was 14

you were 16

I liked you from the start

then I gave you my heart

39 years brought many things

a son 

a daughter

two grandsons dear

through richer and poorer

through better and worse

through sickness and health

we have lived them all

but everyday has been better

with you by my side

As I look into your eyes

  I see the young man

who captured my heart

and you will always be

forever young

So happy to share this day with you

as we celebrate 14,235 days

as husband and wife

'til death do us part

Happy Anniversary Dear Hubby

I love you today
and always

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Spicy Chicken and Rice

I hope you are enjoying this week of Thanksgiving. I have been busy all week planning and making ahead anything that could be made. This recipe is the only meal I have cooked for us all week. Good thing it had six servings! We both liked it so much, I had to take the time to pass it on to you. I adapted this recipe from a recipe that showed up in my Google reader from the wives with knives blog. 

I like this recipe because you make it all in a saucepan and transfer it to a covered baking dish. It is a low fat recipe with the exception of the melted cheese on top... and then there is the possible addition of sour cream and some tortilla chips... if that interests you! We also served it with sliced avocado and fresh tomato slices on the side.


Spicy Chicken and Rice


Spicy, Chicken, Rice,


        See Spicy Chicken and Rice on Key Ingredient.    

