Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cup o' Brownie

I found this recipe years ago on this blog. This recipe for cup o' brownie is adapted from Donna Hay's book, "New Food Fast." I have had this recipe saved in a special spot in one of my recipe notebooks for years, with the plan of making this recipe soon, and just got around to it a couple weeks ago. 

We had company for dinner, our son, and I wanted to make a little something that I could mix up quick and pop in the oven before we sat down for dinner. I got off easy that evening because dear hubby made a beautiful steak dinner with all the trimmings and all I made was this dessert! And, it very easy and it took minutes to make.

I used 6 ounce ramekins and this recipe made five small cakes. I let them sit for a few minutes and then squirted a blob of whipped cream on top. As you can see from the picture, there wasn't much overflow room. If you had a little extra room in your "cup" a spoonful of vanilla ice cream would be really good too!


Cup o' Brownie


Chocolate, Cake, Brownie,


        See Cup o' Brownie on Key Ingredient.    



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Random Travels and a Happy Birthday Wish

Space Needle - Seattle, Washington
Random art throughout Seattle
Cool unexpected art in unexpected places
These are just a few of they many interesting art pieces around Seattle
The Zig Zag River
Exploring in the Mt Hood National Forest
The Sandy River near Zig Zag, Oregon
The Sandy River created a new pathway in the floods of January 2011

A house that barely made it through the floods
Mt. Hood
Summit Ski area in the summer
The night skiing capital of America
The Zig Zag river near Tollgate
A beautiful creek near the old Oregon Trail
We had to explore an old road that used to be the Oregon Trail
After many miles on the ever-narrowing road, it came to a sudden end
Old growth tree stumps

Happy, Happy Birthday to my sister Debra!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Blondies

I seem to have lots of pictures of food, but not enough time get them posted. I am going to try to catch up with myself before the holidays hit. 

I found this recipe last month at Sweet as Sugar Cookies. I made a couple small changes and yum, they were good! I knew I had to make them because they had peanut butter! They mix together in a flash and 25 minutes later, Oh, they were good! I would say they tasted more like peanut butter fudge when they were fresh from the oven. That isn't a bad thing! They were very good! Actually, most of them are still in the freezer. If you enjoy/like/love peanut butter, you will be crazy for these. Make sure you don't over bake them.

You should make these now!


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Blondies


Peanut butter, blondies, chocolate,


        See Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Blondies on Key Ingredient.    


Did I mention that they are really good?


Monday, October 10, 2011

Another Day in the Neighborhood

The doggies are guarding the neighborhood...
...when they aren't napping!
Sweet dreams, Buddy Boy!
Meanwhile, as the doggies are sleeping, it's very busy in the back yard
The squirrels empty their dish twice a day
There are usually several waiting in line, as many as 5 or 6!
When the seeds and peanuts are gone, they eat out of the many trees filled with red berries
How do they always know I am watching them?
He still has his one eye on me...
...even though I am at least 30 feet away and in the house!