Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Gone Until 2011!

I hope you had the very Merriest Christmas with those that you love and hold dear!

We had several special gatherings with family that filled our hearts with comfort and joy! It appears that I have lost one of my almost constant companions; my camera! It gave up on Christmas evening, just as we were ready to start serving dinner! Alas, no pictures of yet another wonderful evening filled with family and friends.

I'm not planning to be back until sometime the first week in 2011, but you never know, I could show up with a picture (?) or two. I will miss you, but I am happy to say that today we start our permanent move. We are moving away from "the farm" (sniff, sniff, tears in eyes) which we will miss very much, but we are moving into our new home on the "mountain," as in Sexton Mountain. I'm sure to most of you, moving sounds like the worst possible way to spend the week between Christmas and New Years. I understand that, and hope you have a good time relaxing and resting up. As for us, we are rested and ready, and, the movers are doing the actual work!

After having most of our possessions stored in PODS since August, we are very excited and looking forward to moving into our new house and making it our home with our "stuff." We plan to take the week to get settled in, with some good quality time snuggling by the fire in the evenings!

We will miss the farm very much and plan to visit very often, especially when the baby lambs start arriving. I think there might be a bottle with my name on it, waiting to feed the double and triple birth lambs. I can hardly wait!

Have a Very Happy and Blessed New Year in 2011!